Wednesday, 18 March 2009


I know this post might be completely random to you but I only decided to write about London because I am going to go there in a few days. First of all I am very excited about going there but only because we are only going to stay there for just one day. This might sound very wierd to you but this is only because I do not like to stay there for too long. There are a few reasons for this which are:
It is very noisytoo many people,
such a big place
danger, violence, robberies

These were all of the negative things about London. I do like London as a touristic place and I am always excited to go there for a weekend. Here are a few of the positive aspects of London - in my opinion:
amazing tourist attractions
full of great shopping ;p
fun - again :D
where ever you go you discover something new
different cultures

So overall, in my opinion, London is the perfect place for a fun weekend but not such a great place to live in forever. :D

- Oh, and by the way Londeners (and anyone else) I meant no offence :D


  1. انا نازلة لندن
    بس للويكند فقط


    شكرا على الموضوع الممتع

  2. ترى ما ارضى على لندن :P

    مولودة فيها و عندي جواز بريطاني بعد و عندنا شقة فيها :)

    بس أوافقج الراي بالنسبة حق سالفة البوقات و انها خطرة

    لكن لندن تظل لندن ياحلوها والله

    و ياحلوج انتي بعد :)

    انتي بنت منال؟

  3. تروث
    ليش التحرش


  4. لوووووووووول منال لا تعلقيني

    احس انها بنتج :D

  5. السلام ، مشكورة عالنصيحة بس انا رايح دراسة هناااااك ...

    i'm sick of people telling me .. it is a very does ;p boring place .. is that true ?


    they say people are not friendly over there? ..

    i don't know ..

  6. قد اختلف معكى فقد عشت فى لندن مايزيد عن الثلاث سنوات وانا ارى انها المكان المثالى للعيش
